Home Staging

We live in our homes one way, but we market them in another.Picture2

Just as builders recognize that a clean, pleasantly decorated model home enables them to enhance the appeal of the homes they are building, “staging” your home to enhance its appeal will  give you a competitive edge against all the other homes on the market.

For example, $500 spent on cleaning, painting, and making minor repairs could pay you back $5,000 in a higher sales price and result in a faster sale!

We can help you determine which items are cost effective & will pay you back many times over in the buyer’s interest. Once you decide to use our services to sell your home, we will work with our team of inspectors, contractors, handymen, painters, landscapers and interior designers to compile a list of things to enhance your home’s appeal. We can then work together to decide which of the suggested items you would like to complete before we open your house up to prospective buyers.

We will market your home, but you are in control of its marketability.